Are you being called to receive the Pilgrim Queen of the Family into your home? Our Blessed Mother wishes for you to belong totally to Jesus Christ through her.
This Sunday, October 27th, there will be an informational meeting in Breen Hall between the Masses. Families who are interested will have a chance at that time to sign up for days that work best for them to have the shrine at their home between November 3rd and December 12th. We welcome families of all sizes to pray with the shrine in their home, whether you are single, married without children, or married with children.
From November 3rd through December 12th, the Regnum Christi Pilgrim Queen of the Family Shrine will travel from home to home in the parish. Each week, one household will have the Shrine from Sunday through Wednesday, and the second household will have it from Thursday through Sunday. Through the Pilgrim Queen of the Family, the Blessed Virgin Mary visits our individual homes, wanting to give many graces and blessings. Over the course of three days, the member(s) of the home will pray with the shrine and consecrate themselves to Jesus through the Virgin Mary. At least eleven households are needed to commit to the consecration during this time but, if more families are interested, we can continue through Christmas to the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, on January 1st, and even beyond!
If you have questions, please click reply at the bottom of this email!
Learn more about the Pilgrim Queen Shrine at